LLP-LDV COMETA – Aim of COMETA is to identify soft skills common to a cluster of social professions across Europe. The project is ECVET—based.
Progress AIDA – Objective of AIDA is the development of National guidelines for the integration between social and health care services at community level.
LLP-LDV SCALING NEW HEIGHTS IN VET – the project aims to transfer to Italy, Greece and Germany the Rickter Scale, a tool aimed to measure and assess soft skills of disadvantaged groups already used by thousands of social workers worldwide.
EIF – Insieme nella cura – an action research project to improve the quality of services for migrant domestic workers provided in the Province of Reggio Emilia, Northern Italy
Leonardo Partnership “ASK” – The partnership, ASK, seeks to analyse different methods of assessing and certificating non-formal and informally acquired skills in vocational education and training in the participating regions.