GRU-PARTNERSHIP “Combating elder abuse” is a Grundtvig project aimed at the creation of training materials on elderly abuse prevention. It involves partners from Romania, Ireland and Finland.
Project INPDAP – CASA – In the framework of the CASA project, promoted by the Municipality of Ferrara thanks to INPDAP funding, ANS realises activities aimed to provide information and counselling concerning legal protection of older persons.
Well-being and dignity for older people—WE DO — Pilot project funded by the EU Commission with the aim to develop quality principles, for European LTC services respectful for the dignity of older persons
“European Reference Framework Online for the Prevention of Elder Abuse and Neglect – EU.R.O.P.E.A.N”. – The project, developed with a partnership of 9 EU countries, has the aim to create an European Reference Framework on line for the prevention of abuse and neglect towards elderly.
Project “Diade” – Aim of the project is to promote an action – research to collect data about the phenomenon of violence and abuse within care relationship in the territory of the Province of Reggio Emilia. The project was funded by Italian Government, within the Anti-Violence Fund.
Project “Chi sostiene l’amministratore di sostegno?” and “Filodiretto” The project offers training and legal support to people working as “amministratori di sostegno” (sort of guardians on volunteer base) for older people in the Districts of Correggio (Reggio Emilia) and Carpi (Modena.)
Project “Support and legal assistance for older persons” – Promoted in cooperation between trade unions of older persons (CGIL) and consumers associations (Federconsumatori), the project developed a service of legal counselling for older persons and their carers. The project was funded by Emilia Romagna Region.