SAVE THE DATE – STAGE International Conference – Monday 7th November 2016

International Conference – Elder abuse, Ageism and Human Rights: Innovative Approaches

WHEN: Monday 7th November 2016, 9.30am— 4pm
WHERE: Smock Alley , 6/7 Exchange Street Lower, Temple Bar, Dublin 8
AIM: To explore new ways of understanding elder abuse; the use of the creative arts as a tool to confront pervasive societal issues such as ageism, intergenerational discord which create environments where elder abuse and ageism flourish.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Health and social care professionals, drama practitioners , academics, NGO organisations, older people’s groups and care providers
The S.T.Age Project, funded under Erasmus +, consists of a partnership between non-governmental organisations from Ireland, Finland, Italy and Romania. The project is developing a training and educational programme aimed at raising awareness amongst older people of their human rights, empower them to exercise their rights and challenge ageist attitudes amongst health and social care professionals.
The workshops being developed will be showcased at the conference
To register your interest in attending email:
Professor Simon Biggs Simon Biggs, PhD. Professor of Gerontology & Social Policy, School of Social & Political Sciences, Melbourne University, Australia.
Links with University of Heidelberg (Netzwerk AlternsfoRschung), University College Dublin (National Centre for the Protection of Older People) , and Helsinki (Dept Social Policy). Simon has participated in EC, Canadian and Australian Government briefings on dignity in later life and population ageing. He was a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on Ageing Societies from 2008 to 2014. He is Honorary Visiting Professor of Gerontology at King’s College London. Professor Biggs interests include the relationship between social identity and adult ageing, including the analysis of international and national social policy, the changing adult life-course, intergenerational
relationships and social and personal experience of ageing.
Download the invitation, SAVE THE DATE!