Peer-support groups for family carers – on behalf of the Terre D’Argine District, ANS manages a peer-support group for family carers
Carer Day – since 2011 ANS promotes the annual carer days: seminars, workshops, training and cultural events to promote and value the role of family carers
LLP-LDV-TOI “ELMI” – the project has the aim to transfer to Romania, Poland an Czech Rep. the online training course for family carers realised by ANS and to implement it with a specific module on Alzheimer disease from a carer perspective.
Training courses for carers – ANS promotes e-learning and class based training courses for caregivers (Carpi and Correggio Districts).
LLP-GRU—TOGETHER FOR YOUNG ADULT CARERS exchange of European good practices to support young adults with care responsibilities
DALIA – funded by the Italian Ministry for Equal Opportunities, DALIA aims to search and disseminate good practices for reconciliation of work and care for employed carers
Grundtvig “Life After Care” – The partnership aims to exchange ideas, experiences, good practices and tools in order to learn mutually and therefore strengthen local and national strategies concerning informal training of former family carers of relatives to help their re-insertion in the society after they end caring.